Thursday, 18 November 2010

Pudsey Bear Cookies

I saw this recipe and thought it would be lovely to bake gingerbread cookies in the shape of Pudsey for Children in Need. I sold them to my work colleagues along with a few other wonderful baking creations my colleagues made. I hope to raise a good amount of money with them. The recipe can also be used for simple gingerbread cookies for any occasion.


350g self-raising flour

Pinch of salt

2 tsp ground ginger

100g maple syrup

75g butter

2 tbsp caster sugar

1 egg, lightly beaten

180c oven

I start by heating the syrup, butter and sugar together on a low heat stirring until it is all melted. I then leave to cool, whilst cooling I sieve the flour, salt and ground ginger into a mixing bowl. I lightly whisk the egg with a fork and add to the flour mix, and then the cooled syrup.

I stir the batter until it is well combined together. I then wrap it in foil and place in the fridge for 30 minutes roughly.

Once out of the fridge I roll out the unwrapped dough to about 1cm and cut out bear shapes with the cookie cutter. I try to use up all the batter by rolling end leftover bits together to make the most out of it. 

I place the cookies onto butter greased baking trays and bake in the preheated oven for 10 until slightly golden in colour. Mine took literally 10 minutes and not anymore.

I used ready made white icing for the bandage but icing can be made very easily. I rolled mine out and cut it up to place on the cookies carefully pressing down. I used different coloured writing icing for pudsey’s red spots and black for his face and buttons.